
Friday, February 28, 2020

KIDSLINE - Where can we go for help in our community.

For Inquiry, we are learning about helpful places in our community, I chose kidsline because I think kidsline is a great site for kids to go to when feeling down or if things are happening at home. It's a free phone call for kids from 10-21 to call in and they have trained youth workers (young-adults) answering and the kids can tell them what's going on and the person on the phone might give advice or possibly have to do something about it if it's bad.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Okay Portrait

Kia Ora Bloggers, I hope you enjoyed your holidays!

It's that time of year when the teachers make us draw portraits... šŸ˜‘ I'm not a very good drawer, but maybe because this year it's supposed to be more abstract it's not that bad. Our work this year was inspired by Romero Britto.

This portrait is also some things that I like and some facts about me.

As you can see I have a few things around my face, most of these are all things I love do do (or watch) I have soccer up there, as that is my favourite sport.
Riverdale, and Twilight, which are my favourite movie series and episodes, I also have TikTok , The apple sign, and my phone because I'm obsessed with both of them šŸ˜‚. 

And the last 2 things I have on there is the people that are most important to me and that's my family and friends.

Have you ever drawn a portrait of yourself?
What's your favourite show/sport?
Is there anything you've spotted that we have in common?

See you next time!

What Is Waste?

What is waste?

waste is everything that has no purpose is unusable or is unwanted materials.

waste has a few different meanings to it, they are all common things to find around the house,
this includes, liquid waste, solid rubbish, organic waste, recyclable rubbish and hazardous waste. 

some things people might say are "let's not waste time" or they might use a different meaning of waste and say "we can't afford to waste electricity" or  "make sure the waste goes out".

what is waste to you?