
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hard Maths!

L👁👁K What Maths I Can Do!

these are some challenge questions Mrs. Davies gave us here is how I work them out.
what type of maths do you do?

#1    6 ፥ 2 ( 1 + 2 )
         6 ፥ 2 x ( 3 )
          3 x ( 3 )

#2    10 x 4 - 2 x ( 42 ፥  4 ) ፥ 2  ፥ 1/2 + 9
                            ( 16 ፥ 4 )
                              ( 4 ) ፥ 2
           10 x 4 - 2 x 2 ፥ 1/2 + 9
            40 - 2 x 2 ፥ 1/2 + 9
             40 - 4 ፥ 1/2 + 9
               40 - 8+ 9
                32 + 9
                 = 41

#3   - 10 ፥ ( 20 ፥ 22 x 5 ፥ 5) x 8 - 2
                  (20 ፥ 4 x 5 ፥ 5)
                     ( 20 ፥ 4 x 1 )
                       ( 20 ፥ 4 )
              - 10 ፥ ( 5 ) x 8 - 2
                  - 2 x 8 - 2
                    - 16 - 2
                     = - 18

Byeeeee! see you next time!!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019

New Term, New Goals.

Kia ora Bloggers,

This term in Maths we will be setting some new bricks maths goals.

my brick numbers include bricks 21, 23 and 24.
this means I am learning the divisibility rules for numbers 3 and 9, the
common multiples to 10 and fractions to decimals to Percentages.

I spend at least an hour on my Chromebook most days after school so I am going to work on my bricks for 20 minutes every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon because those are the days I have the least things to do. we will check how much I have improved in about 3 weeks' time.

Here are the links to some of my bricks.

Do you have any maths goals this term?

Friday, September 27, 2019

Inquiry radio script

Billie-Jo:  Hi my name is Billie-Jo

Mckenna: I am Mckenna

Greer: and my name is Greer, and welcome to Kidz Bop. We are an educational program for kids. We broadcast songs, stories, and other educational content.

Billie-Jo: Today we are going to start off the day with a quick story called Huggapotamus. 
Mckenna: After that, we’ll go through the fun fact of the day


Greer: I really hope you enjoyed the story, what do you think it was about Mckenna? 

Mckenna: I think Albert was a hippo with a great heart and when he tries to hug his friends nobody wants to hug him back or play with him, then Albert learns how to hug his friends perfectly. So remember next time kids make sure you respect people's personal space.
Greer: Thank-you for that Mckenna I think that was a really good description of the book. 

Billie-Jo: Now the fun fact of the day. Did you know that a kakapo is the 2nd most endangered species in New Zealand? Whos ready for a  quick game of guess the bird call, here is the first bird call
Play    Male Kiwi Bird Call

Mckenna: Good job guys did you know that was a male kiwi here is what a female kiwi sounds like. Here is the second bird call.

Play    Pukeko Bird Call

Billie-Jo: Ka Pai, That was a pukeko call. Now it is time for the last birdcall

Greer: Great work, Did you know that was actually a chicken? Now we are going to play the song ‘let it go’ join in if you want to.

Play    Let it go

Billie-Jo: okay today we know that it’s very sunny which in Maori is Rā

Greer: Today’s letter of the day is J, What are some words that start with the letter J, let's see. Jump, Jacket, Jail, Jingle, Jet, and Jog

Play    Hot Potato

Mckenna Are you ready to count to ten. Join in if you can (count to 10)  

ALL: bye, for now, see you next time I hope you enjoyed, have a great rest of your day, BYE!
Billie-Jo: Now we will be playing Hot Potato by The Wiggles

Literacy Draft (paragraphs)



Intro- there are no wrong votes.
In a democracy, we all need to realize that you can’t have a wrong vote these are just people’s opinions,It can be easy to feel baffled by the way other people vote, even if we know them very well.
 Many people believe that there are voters who are bad voters and they don’t know how to vote, I don’t think it’s fair people should do that just because they are disagreeing.

I think that lowering the voting age is could and I think that young people will always vote intelligently, especially since not everyone can agree on what that means. 
But the same can be said for adults. Why are young people held up to a higher standard than everyone else?

Par 1- 16 yr olds have adult responsibilities but are denied the same rights.
People under 18 are contributing and active members of society. Millions of us are employed and volunteer in our communities Many people under 18 also have “adult” responsibilities – such as being the primary caregiver for an ailing family member, running a business and making and making money substantial financial contributes to our households.

Par 2- though some 16-year-olds are not mature enough to participate in elections most of them are just as knowledgeable about civics and have the same ability to make good voting choices as older voters.
A study in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science found that "On measures of civic knowledge, political skills, political efficacy, and tolerance,
16-year-olds, on average, are obtaining scores similar to those of adults… which means in this age range most of them are smart enough and ready to vote." 

Austria lowered the voting age to 16 in 2007. According to Markus Wagner, social sciences professor at the University of Vienna, et al., studies of subsequent elections show "the quality of these (younger) citizens choices is similar to that of older voters, so they do cast votes in ways that enable their interests to be represented equally well."

Par 3-16-year-olds are told that they need to start to think about their futures, but they still don’t have a say in lots of important decisions that will affect them later on in life.
At 16 some kids have been told to get a job to start thinking about their futures but there are also other things that they need to worry about like who they’re prime minister is going to be which could possibly one day be a prime minister for their kids… 

Also things like changing the country flag, or changing the law, that is going to be their future that they aren’t allowed to vote for,  

Conclusion: lowering the voting age will help increase voter turnout.
Voting is a habitual act – people who vote in one election are more likely to vote in the next.  Lowering the voting age will establish new voters when people are less likely to be moving as a result of attending college or leaving their families. People under 18 tend to have stronger roots in their community, often having lived in the same area for many years and established connections to their school, family and friends, and other community groups. This gives us an awareness and appreciation of local issues. As we are less likely to live away from home, we don’t have to deal with unclear residency laws or absentee ballots that can discourage college students or other new voters. Because of the habitual nature of voting, encouraging new voters at a younger age will increase voter turnout as the population gets older. Young people who vote also influence the voter turnout of their parents. In a study of the Kids Voting program (where people under 18 were allowed to cast votes in a mock election), parents who had children voting in the program were more likely to vote in the actual election.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Voting age 16 structure

this is my structure for my video essay, I am doing it on why the voting
age should be 16.

Intro- there are no wrong votes.
In a democracy, we all need to realize that you can’t have a wrong vote these are just
people’s opinions, It can be easy to feel baffled by the way other people vote, even if we
know them very well. Many people believe that there are voters who are bad voters and
they don’t know how to
vote, I don’t think it’s fair people should do that just because they are disagreeing.

I think that lowering the voting age is could and I think that young people will always vote
intelligently, especially since not everyone can agree on what that means. 
But the same can be said for adults. Why are young people held up to a higher standard
then everyone else?

Par 1- 16 yr olds have adult responsibilities but are denied the same

People under 18 are contributing and active members of
society. Millions of us are employed and volunteer in our
communities Many people under 18 also have “adult”
responsibilities – such as being the primary caregiver for
an ailing family member, running a business and making
substantial financial contributes to our households.

Par 2- though some 16-year-olds are not mature enough to participate in
elections most of them are just as knowledgeable about civics and have
the same ability to make good voting choices as older voters.

A study in the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science found that
"On measures of civic knowledge, political skills, political efficacy, and tolerance, 16-year-olds,
on average, are obtaining scores similar to those of adults… which means in this age range most
of them are smart enough and ready to vote." 

Austria lowered the voting age to 16 in 2007. According to Markus Wagner, social sciences
professor at the University of Vienna, et al., studies of subsequent elections show "the quality
of these (younger) citizens choices is similar to that of older voters, so they do cast votes in
ways that enable their interests to be represented equally well."

Par 3-16-year-olds are told that they need to start to think about their
futures, but they still don’t have a say in lots of important decisions that
will affect them later on in life.
At 16 some kids have been told to get a job to start thinking about their futures
but there are also other things that they need to worry about like who they’re
prime minister is going to be which could possibly one day be a prime minister
for their kids… 

Also things like changing the country flag, or changing the law, that is going to be
their future that they aren’t allowed to vote for,  

Conclusion: lowering the voting age will help increase voter turnout.
Voting is a habitual act – people who vote in one election are more likely to
vote in the next.  Lowering the voting age will establish new voters when people
are less likely to be moving as a result of attending college or leaving their
families. People under 18 tend to have stronger roots in their community, often
having lived in the same area for many years and established connections to their school, family and friends, and other community groups. This gives us an awareness and appreciation of local issues. As we are less likely to live away from home, we don’t have to deal with unclear residency laws or absentee ballots that can discourage college students or other new voters. Because of the habitual nature of voting, encouraging new voters at a younger age will increase voter turnout as the population gets older. Young people who vote also influence the voter turnout of their parents. In a study of the Kids Voting program (where people under 18 were allowed to cast votes in a mock election), parents who had children voting in the program were more likely to vote in the actual election.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Pre Algebra

Monday, July 29, 2019

Reflection on debate

In literacy, we have been doing debating.

In Literacy, we have been doing debating,
we debated about if cell phones should be allowed in the classroom,
this is my reflection on the debate.

Cell Phones in the classroom
Reflection on Debate

+Strong ideas were gathered and presented.
+Some people spoke with a confident voice.

-other speakers weren’t so confident.
-Some speakers were interrupted by other people.
-evidence and ideas needed to be better organized beforehand.

I believe that cell phones should be allowed in the classroom but with some rules.

I believe this because…
1) cell phones can be used for some fun and very creative apps to make learning hands-on,
2) I think rules should be in place so that kids are not going off task and are still learning,
I think that cell phones should not be allowed all the time only at certain times.
3) if there is ever an emergency, kids can call parents or emergency services if teachers
do not have their phone with them kids can also call their parents if there is a lockdown or something.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019


The snow danced in the air as it fell to the ground, the moon smiled at the stars in the sky
And the wind whistled in the distance.

Suddenly thunder started booming across the sky, the wind hissed and roared, the moon played hide and seek with the clouds and fog covered the land.
In the distance there was a woman, Her soft white gown swept across the white crumbling snow.
Her eyes as blue as the sea and her skin as white as snow, and her long dark hair pouring down her back.  

As she walked closer and closer the fog crept into the air. She looked this way, and it seemed like she got a fright, I checked again, and she had vanished into thin air.

The snow soared down from the sky, the moon winked at me and the trees smiled.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

Dialogue Writing

“Hurry up Chris!” said Jay
“Yes! I know!” said Chris
“Make sure you haven’t forgotten anything,” Jay said
“Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten anything” Chris exclaimed
“Hair supplies, surfboard!” Jay said
“It’s gonna be hot in Hawaii, so make sure you’re bringing a hat and togs!” Jay called out
“ugh!” sighed Chris
“I really hope there are some killer waves out there!” said Chris wistfully
“There’s no way you’re getting me in that water!” exclaimed Jay
“Why not scaredy-cat?” smirked Chris
“You never know what could be in that water, a shark could be right under you without you even knowing it!” Jay answered
“You are crazy! You don’t think about that stuff before you go to Hawaii you idiot!” shouted Chris
“Be quiet! We gotta go now!”
“I’m not going until you say you’ll go into the water with me!”
“You’re the one missing out on your surfing!”
“Fine! I’ll go!”

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Structure Graph

Math evidence

This is what I am doing in maths, we are working on making 2D to 3D shapes and 3D to 2D shapes. we have been working with many different ideas for this topic such as isometric papers, blocks, and folding paper to make different shapes.

Monday, April 8, 2019

My Goal Ladder

This is where I am on my goal ladder

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Structure Graph (IPARC)

Here is my structure graph for my story.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Floor Is Lava

in writing, we have been making structure graphs with I.P.A.R.C.
we watched a video called the floor is lava and then I filled out this google drawing.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019

Thursday, February 7, 2019

5 R's on Biteable